Protecting the Area Standards
The Northeast Regional Council of Carpenters area standards are guided by the principle that every Carpenter must be treated with dignity and respect, and deserve to be paid the area standards wages and benefits. Since 1881 the United Brotherhood of Carpenters have sworn to protect and preserve Area Standards which include a good family wage, healthcare for the employee and their family, a pension, and contributions to training and education.
When contractors choose to pay their workers less than the area standards, it harms our community as a whole. Workers are left with less buying power, harming our local economies. When an employer chooses not to provide healthcare, workers are forced to use emergency rooms for basic healthcare or do without. The cost is then passed down through increased taxes to pay for such free care, higher costs, and/or higher premiums to those of us that do have health insurance.
Sub-standard wage contractors are creating a race to the bottom for Carpenters. This results in pressure on contractors to slash wages and benefits for workers in order to compete. The Northeast Regional Council of Carpenters is fighting to halt this downward spiral. We feel that every Carpenter whether union or not, deserves to be paid a decent wage and full family healthcare, and when the time comes, to be able to retire with dignity.
The Northeast Regional Council of Carpenters will continue to inform and educate the general public, and those involved in the construction industry, to halt such practices. We will do so through legal, legislative and public information activities, until all carpenters receive area standard wages and benefits.
The Northeast Council of Carpenters thanks you for your understanding and support of this important issue facing our community.